Flora Gardens Primary School

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Welcome to our homework page. Here you will find information about the sort of homework that is expected each week from your child.

Children throughout the school are encouraged to continue their learning at home in a variety of ways including using online programmes. Some homework, especially in Key Stage 1, is set with the intention that it is done with the guidance of a parent.

As pupils move through the school, they will work more independently. However, all homework is most effective when supported by parental encouragement and supervision. As the homework set is intended to reinforce and support work that the child has done or is about to do in class, this is one of the most effective and easiest ways a parent can directly help their child at school. We have special mornings and afternoons hosted by class teachers termly who invite parents into the classroom to observe key skills being taught in areas such as Maths, Phonics and Reading. These are the same skills children will practise at home so this is a fantastic opportunity for you to come in and see how your child learns in class. This is also a perfect opportunity to discuss homework support and needs with your child's teacher. 

As a rough guide, the table below gives examples of likely homework for each year group. Your child's class teacher will adapt the homework according to the needs of pupils and changes to the National Curriculum. Further information about topic activities for each term will be explained on class dojo by subject specialist teachers.