Flora Gardens Primary School

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About Us

Mission Statement
At Flora Gardens every pupil comes first and we aim to inspire them to fulfil their potential in each stage of their life. Our school is about far more than academic results: it is about community, respect, honesty and family. We deliver multi-cultural learning experiences for every individual that are innovative, creative, purposeful and fun, set in our unique, spacious green grounds that give children outstanding opportunities to explore, flourish and succeed.


  1. To recognise individual accomplishments, enabling children to flourish and achieve their full potential – nothing is impossible if you believe you can achieve it.

  2. We provide a cross-curricular inclusive approach to learning with high expectations, to ensure all our pupils are happy, confident, collaborative learners.

  3. To celebrate success and achievements.

  4. To value, recognise and encourage contributions of parents, families and staff.

  5. To respect all cultures and beliefs, regardless of background, religion or race.

Our Core School Values 

  • Choose Your Attitude - To have a school that is collaborative 
  • Respect - To create a school where we all feel valued and loved
  • Trust - To have a school where openness and honesty are at the heart of all we do.
  • Fulfillment - To take pride in each other's successes, and with and sense of fun, seek worthwhile and absorbing challenges
  • Personal Wellbeing - To endeavour to be healthy, happy and harmonious
  • Adventure - To choose to be curious, to take risks and to create our own paths

We are a mixed community primary school, funded by Hammersmith & Fulham Local Authority.

Flora Gardens Primary School is popular and very well thought of locally. It enjoys a good reputation amongst parents in the surrounding area for its friendliness, high standards, care for pupils and pleasant environment.

The School is located in a single-storey building which opened in 1950. The surrounding site is very pleasant, with extensive grassy areas in the playgrounds. There is a wildlife garden with a pond, vegetable plots for each class, and many trees including a small, recently planted orchard. Many people comment on how surprised they are to see such a space in an inner-city school and this is something that we are really proud of.

The School is very well equipped and resourced with good learning resources for all curriculum areas.  The school has networked classroom PCs, laptops and iPad’s, equipped with an excellent range of up-to-date software and all classes have interactive whiteboards.

All teachers have teacher assistant support for 100% of the timetable.

The SENCo is responsible for special educational needs (SEN) and inclusion for all pupils including those who are more academically able.  Pupils who speak English as an additional language (EAL) are supported by a part-time specialist teacher.  A number of members of staff organise and run after-school clubs.  At present we have 26 after school clubs. 

The School has a calm and friendly atmosphere. Pupils are treated with respect and expected in turn to honour their responsibilities to the school community. 

The School provides a broad curriculum, with appropriate emphasis on English, Maths, Science and ICT. The curriculum is delivered through a balanced whole-school Curriculum Map and supporting schemes of work, organised into a cycle of half-termly topics. We offer the full range of national curriculum subjects including specialist provision in a range of subjects, such as PE, Music, Spanish, History, Geography, RE/PSHE and Science.  We also offer additional weekly lessons in Maths each afternoon for Years 1 - 6 taught by our Maths lead which focus on number and arithmetic skills. This model of provision offers children enhanced experiences in a wide range of subjects from subject specialist teachers with a high degree of knowledge in that curriculum area.

We have a whole-school system of assessment and record-keeping. Assessment processes reflect up-to-date practice.  Pupil attainment is tested regularly and the School has an interactive tracking system to monitor progress. There are regular conferences between class teachers and the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo).  Close liaison ensures that pupils with special or additional needs, and more academically able pupils, are well catered for.

The School Development Plan is reviewed and revised termly; it represents the School’s continuous commitment to improvement and development.

Teachers and support staff form a strong, stable and friendly team.  The Senior Leadership Team consists of the Head, Deputy Head, 2 Assistant Heads and the School Business Manager. The SLT is responsible for strategic planning and management.   Key Stage teams work collaboratively on planning for continuity and progression within and across the Key Stages.  Every teacher has responsibility for the leadership and coordination of at least one National Curriculum subject area.

Parents are welcome in the School.  The School encourages the active support of parents in the classroom. There is a thriving Parent Teacher Association, which organises social and fundraising events and runs monthly coffee mornings.  The help, cooperation and support of parents is greatly valued.

The School has a loyal and supportive Governing Body.  Several Governors have served the School for many years, while some are newer.  Governors visit the school regularly and keep themselves well informed. Their support is a valued resource.

High quality education and care.

Safe and Secure

We have an atmosphere of trust and happiness in which children will feel secure and cared for. We are passionately committed to the safeguarding of all our pupils and particularly those who are more vulnerable. We have robust physical and electronic security systems controlling our site’s perimeter.

Healthy Lifestyle, Positive Attitudes

As well as taking part in Physical Education (PE), with our full time PE teacher, Flora Gardens pupils learn about healthy eating, personal hygiene (teeth brushing, for instance) and about the benefits of physical exercise as part of the normal curriculum.

A School Nurse monitors the health of the pupil population as a whole, as well as helping individual pupils who may have health issues.

Getting every day off to a healthy start, we run a popular breakfast club for Reception to Year 6, serving a wholesome breakfast of yogurt, cereal, toast and juice as well as a hot food menu including beans and scrambled eggs. 

Healthy menus, including vegetarian and halal choices, are provided for school lunch, which is cooked on the premises.

A variety of before and after school activities and clubs are offered by our enthusiastic teachers and support staff, and pupils are encouraged to represent Flora Gardens and compete with other schools in leagues and tournaments.

A wide-ranging programme of personal health and social education tackles rights and responsibilities, awareness of one’s own safety and the safety of others, and many other aspects of life in the modern world. In summary, we instill a sense of caring and responsible citizenship. In Religious Education (RE) and throughout the curriculum, we aim to maximize opportunities for pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

Music, especially singing, is particularly strong at Flora Gardens. We enjoy singing assemblies, concerts of song and instrumental music, and singing to aid learning in other parts of the curriculum.

Impact on Community/Society

 Flora Gardens in the Wider World

  • Help pupils develop a broad vision of their community and the wider world
  • Provide quality education with equal opportunities for all pupils, irrespective of their background
  • Ensure our pupils flourish and reach their full potential.

There are always exciting visits to museums, places of worship, theatres and parks in the neighbouring area, and central London, to look forward to. Year 4 swim weekly and Year 6 spend a week away at a working farm in Devon each year. This year at the farm they were read a story by Michael Morpurgo! 

We are a community school and relish our role as an institution serving our local community. The nationalities and cultures represented by individuals in our community are richly diverse. We learn about languages, countries and people all over the world, and about different customs and food.

There is at least one big concert or dramatic performance every year, to which parents are warmly invited. Our pupils always use these opportunities, and others like Red Nose Day, to raise money for charities supporting those in need around the world.

We have regular fundraising events organised by our 4 Houses.